Tuesday 28 February 2012

Sweet Trees

I can’t believe I have never seen these before and when I was told about them I knew I had to share it with you!

My colleague went to a party over the weekend where ‘Sweet Trees’ were used as edible centre pieces. As she was describing them to me I knew I had to get a glimpse of one. I was straight on the internet and low and behold there were loads!

They come in so many varieties from chocolate truffles, to liquorice allsorts, flying saucers, jelly beans and marshmallows! They are colourful and quirky and I’m not surprised that people want to add a bit of fun and charm to a special occasion, party or event by using these decorative chocolate and candy trees. What’s more I’m sure that no one would be disappointed to receive one of these enchanting trees as a gift … I know I wouldn’t!

It seems that there are several retailers online who sell them, 
Sweet Trees by Rivera (http://www.sweettreebyrivera.co.uk/default.html) and Sweet Creations (http://www.thesweetcreations.co.uk/sweet-trees.php) to name just two.

However, I am dying to try and make one myself! There are a few videos on You Tube and with a lot of patience and some creative flair I am sure it can be done! 

I’m going to try and persuade to be let loose in the sample room and get artistic for the purpose of the blog.

I’ll let you know how I get on and if you decide to give it a go or have been successful already please send me some photos of your attempts! (info@justforyouconfectionery.co.uk) 

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