Monday 20 February 2012

Chip Chip Hooray!

Monday is here again and it’s the start of a new week. But this is no ordinary week, it’s the beginning of National Chip Week (20th -26th February), marking more than 150 years since the much loved snack started being served in the UK! Whether you eat them with ketchup, gravy, or salt and vinegar, prefer them straight, chunky or curly it’s time to celebrate the chip! For me, you can’t beat curly fries dunked in mayo!

If you want to find out more, this site has loads of recipes, fun facts, games and even free chip giveaways near you!

Gosh, all this talk of chips is making my stomach rumble! I might have to go on the hunt for some chocolate ‘chips’ to keep me going!

Talking of hunger, over the weekend I finished reading the book ‘The Hunger Games’. Now I hope you have heard of it and may even have read it, as I thought it was amazing! I was hooked straight away and I know this will sound like a cliché but I couldn’t put it down. Written by Suzanne Collins it’s the first book in the trilogy and I can’t wait to get my hands on the other two! The first film is also coming out at the end of March which I am extremely excited about! I would love to know if you have read any and if you loved it as much as me!

I’ll put a link to the website in case you want to find out more for yourself!

I’ve had some great suggestions come in for the competition prize, how about winning your own weight in jelly beans? Or creating your own jelly bean flavour?? Some fantastic ideas so keep them coming in!


  1. Hunger Games is a great read. I have read all 3. Not long until the movie is out on 23rd March. So excited !!!

    1. I have just started the second book! I wish I could read it at work, I'm dying to find out what happens :) Really looking forward to seeing the film when it comes out!
