Thursday 16 February 2012

And they're off!

There always seems to be something that takes hold of your life for a certain period of time.

One of my colleagues is pregnant, so we are all gripped to ‘One Born Every Minute’ on a Wednesday night and discuss the ins and outs the next day! Another said her life currently consists of ‘Children and Chickens’!

I have been glued to the computer screen trying to figure out mind boggling web code and staring at images of chocolates and jelly beans for the past couple of weeks, which only seems to be increasing my urges for something sweet! But it means I can finally present to you the new Just for You Confectionery website!! Take a peak here:

What's more, I have also decided to set up my own blog to run alongside the website. Now, I am no self confessed ‘Blogger’ so please bare with me, but I do hope to be able to inform and amuse you, keep you updated with products, offers and competitions and answer any questions you may have!   

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