Wednesday 13 June 2012

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans # 12

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans #12 - Nail Art!
Image - Jelly Bean Nails by Nail Loopy

One for the girls this week! 

I don't know how many of you have visited the social media site 'Pinterest' but I for one am hooked! It enables you to create your own virtual pinboard and save and share images of things you have found on the internet. 

Whilst spending one of many hours looking around the site I came across this amazing picture! Jelly bean nail art!! It was designed and crafted by Nail Loopy and most impressively all done by hand. I don't know if I dare try this on my own nails but it is such a fun, colourful and creative idea! Maybe someone could do it for me?! 

You can read more about how the design was created by visiting Nail Loopy's blog ... click here!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Father's Day Jelly Bean Machine Giveaway!

With the long weekend over what better way to keep up the celebrations than with a Jelly Bean Machine giveaway!

This fun and novel product comes filled with 600g of delicious gourmet jelly beans from The Jelly Bean Factory and is the perfect gift this Father's Day, Sunday 17th June!

Around 26cm tall, it’ll happily fit on his desk at work or on the kitchen counter and with 36 flavours to choose from he might even let you pick out one of your favourites. After all sharing is caring!

I can guarantee the beans won't last long but not to worry, this Bean Machine can be refilled and reused time after time.  

 How to enter –
  • It's really simple; just tell me what was your favourite childhood sweet? Let me know by,
  • Leaving a comment on my blog 
  • Posting a comment on the Facebook Page OR
  • Via Twitter @JustForYouUK

The rules –
  • The competition will finish at 00.00 GMT Sunday 10th June 2012.
  • The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Monday 11th June.
  • Only available to UK mainland addresses.
  • One entry per person only.
  • Your details won’t be passed onto any third party or kept in any way.
  • This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administrated by, or associated with Facebook.
  • Unless otherwise requested at the time of the post the winner’s name will be announced on the blog.
  • The lucky winner will be sent an email asking for their delivery address details. 

Whilst you’re there share the competition with your friends, ‘Like’ our Facebook page and follow the blog and Twitter to keep up to date with Just For You! 

Good luck! 

11/06/2012 Drum roll please! The lucky winner of this brilliant Bean Machine from The Jelly Bean Factory is .... freyamae2000 whose favourite childhood sweets were wine gums!

Congratulations! Please contact me via email, to arrange delivery of your prize! 

A big thank you to everyone for entering and remember there will be other fantastic giveaways so make sure to check the blog, Facebook and Twitter pages for details on how to get your hands on some more free sweet treats!

Thursday 31 May 2012

Jubilee Jelly Beans!

With over 10,000 applications been made for street parties and over £334m spent on snacks, alcohol and treats, the Diamond Jubilee weekend is nearly upon us! - Union Jack Jelly Bean Cake
A cake is a must have at any celebration and what better way to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee than with this union jack jelly bean cake! Easy to make, bake and decorate, it will be the perfect centrepiece at any street party, picnic or royal celebration! - Royal Works of Art

Jelly beans have also been used by other people to bring out their patriotic side! This portrait was created by Fizziwigs sweet shop in Brighton and uses over 10,000 of Her Majesty’s finest!

A number of other weird and wonderful portraits of the Queen have been produced using a variety of different objects!

From a jelly bean Queen to a Monarch made from money, click here to see more unusual portraits at The Mail Online   

The upcoming Jubilee seems to have united the nation in their enthusiasm for all things British and I hope you enjoy the long weekend however you decide to celebrate it!  

Wednesday 23 May 2012

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans #11

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans #11 - Plant them in the ground and try to grow a beanstalk.

Get a handful of your favourite flavour jelly beans.

Dig a small hole in the ground and place the jelly beans in it.

Image: See Jane Blog
Carefully cover with soil.

Water and wait for it to grow ... just watch out for the giant living at the top!

Image: See Jane Blog 
When looking for things to do with jelly beans I came across a similar idea which is great for young children and seems to be somewhat of an Easter tradition across the pond.

Get your children to plant the jelly beans in the garden and overnight place lollipops in the ground where the beans were planted. When they wake up in the morning, the magic jelly beans have ‘grown’ into scrumptious lollies! 

Monday 21 May 2012

National Vegetarian Week

This week, Monday 21st – Sunday 27th, is National Vegetarian Week and if you didn’t know our range of jelly beans from The Jelly Bean Factory are all suitable for veggies! They have even been approved by The Vegetarian Society!

Every single one of the 12 million 

jelly beans produced each year by The Jelly Bean Factory are made with 100% natural ingredients and real fruit juice!

The bags, boxes and tubes make for the perfect snack whilst the jars and novelty products, such as the bean machine, are perfect gifts for jelly bean devotees!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Easy as Pie!

Cupcakes that are as easy as pie!

I am going to see the film ‘American Pie – The Reunion’ this evening which jolted my memory back to when I found this recipe for decorating cupcakes a while back!

Taken from the book ‘What’s New Cupcake?’ by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, they seem so simple to make and really look like sweet mini pies!

Click here to visit the Hello Cupcake website!

I have the original book ‘Hello Cupcake’ at home and have posted a few recipes from there before.

So to make these Bake Sale Pies, 

What you’ll need:
  • Vanilla cupcakes in silver foil cases
  • Vanilla icing
  • Yellow food colouring
  • Cocoa powder
  • Coloured M&Ms, Smarties or my favourite ...Jelly Beans!
Rather than copying out the instructions, here is a short video tutorial made by the authors of the book, Karen and Alan, on how to decorate the cupcakes!

These could be the perfect addition to your Jubilee party in a couple of weeks time. The red and blue colours are very patriotic and us Brits love a good pie!

Let me know if you have a go at making any and please feel free to send me in any pictures! 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans #10

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans #10 - Create a musical instrument.

I have just realised I haven’t written a blog post since the 1st! Eek!

I think I have been far too preoccupied with eating chocolate rather than writing about it!

So here is this week’s 101 Things to do with Jelly Beans! I’ll keep it short and sweet. Get yourself a tube of The Jelly Bean Factory jelly beans, it doesn't matter whether it's a 100g tube or the 410g Mega Tube! Munch your way through half the tube, now shake! Your own musical instrument! 

P.S. Keep an eye out on the website for our Spring Sale!