Wednesday 23 May 2012

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans #11

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans #11 - Plant them in the ground and try to grow a beanstalk.

Get a handful of your favourite flavour jelly beans.

Dig a small hole in the ground and place the jelly beans in it.

Image: See Jane Blog
Carefully cover with soil.

Water and wait for it to grow ... just watch out for the giant living at the top!

Image: See Jane Blog 
When looking for things to do with jelly beans I came across a similar idea which is great for young children and seems to be somewhat of an Easter tradition across the pond.

Get your children to plant the jelly beans in the garden and overnight place lollipops in the ground where the beans were planted. When they wake up in the morning, the magic jelly beans have ‘grown’ into scrumptious lollies! 

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