Wednesday 16 May 2012

Easy as Pie!

Cupcakes that are as easy as pie!

I am going to see the film ‘American Pie – The Reunion’ this evening which jolted my memory back to when I found this recipe for decorating cupcakes a while back!

Taken from the book ‘What’s New Cupcake?’ by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, they seem so simple to make and really look like sweet mini pies!

Click here to visit the Hello Cupcake website!

I have the original book ‘Hello Cupcake’ at home and have posted a few recipes from there before.

So to make these Bake Sale Pies, 

What you’ll need:
  • Vanilla cupcakes in silver foil cases
  • Vanilla icing
  • Yellow food colouring
  • Cocoa powder
  • Coloured M&Ms, Smarties or my favourite ...Jelly Beans!
Rather than copying out the instructions, here is a short video tutorial made by the authors of the book, Karen and Alan, on how to decorate the cupcakes!

These could be the perfect addition to your Jubilee party in a couple of weeks time. The red and blue colours are very patriotic and us Brits love a good pie!

Let me know if you have a go at making any and please feel free to send me in any pictures! 

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