Tuesday 13 March 2012

101 Things to do with Jelly Beans - #2 Make a Music Video

Continuing with the 101 Things to do with Jelly Beans weekly feature ... 

#2 Make a Music Video

Singer-songwriter Kina Grannis’ video for her song ‘In Your Arms’ became an internet sensation in just a few days. Why? Her animated music video was created entirely from jelly beans … 288,000 to be precise!

The project took over 22 months to complete and hours of hard work and patience from the ‘jelly bean animation team’ which consisted of over 30 people!

The result, however, is this unique, creative, colourful and simply amazing music video!

Have a look at how it was made ...

Do you have any creative uses for jelly beans? I’d love to know what weird and wonderful things you can come up with, so get in touch with ideas and photos and I’ll feature them in the blog! 

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